शुक्रवार, 31 जुलाई 2015

Letter to SAIL Chairman cum Steel Secretary

e-mail: chairman.sail@sailex.com 
31st July 2015
Sri Rakesh Singh,IAS
Secretary, Dept of Steel, Govt of India 
Chairman,SAIL, New Delhi.

Sub: (1) Extreme delay in issuing of I-Card and Guidebook to Members of the SAIL Mediclaim Policy even after 4 months of Renewal of Membership and (2 ) Delay in payment of Bills.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that even after a lapse of 4 months effective from 01st April 2015 the SAIL Mediclaim Scheme Members are yet to get their Mediclaim Identity cards for themselves and their spouse and the Guidebook for 2015-16. The dilemma and dichotomy born out of such a situation can be easily understood when the healthcare services get refused for want of Identification. For want of the Guidebook it is almost impossible for the members to know which are the Hospitals listed for Cashless and which are the better/ efficient ones and to decide where to go for treatment. Without considering that it is a critical issue of 'Life and Death' of the Insured the quick solution provided by the TPA to the suffering individuals is 'download and take a print out from the website as a substitute.' when everyone of us incl. the SAIL, UIIC and the TPA knows that not many members are internet saavy and can not do this. This is also a way of sidetracking the issue and hiding their inefficient and unsatisfactory mode of working and solving the problem. The issue is how many months it should take for the TPA to prepare and dispatch and who pays for their inefficient functioning and why.

On the issue of delay in payments of the Bills the TPA has a standing reply that payment will be made as and when money is received from the Insurance Co. (UIIC). Such excuses or may be a factually correct explanation does not help. I would like to reiterate that last year due to such a delay in payment of pending Bill one of our members Late Asit Nandy committed suicide out of shame for not returning the money borrowed from friends and relatives for paying the Hospital Bills.

I would like to draw your kind attention to the contents of the url http://sailex.blogspot.in/2015/03/exchange-of-e-mails-with-sail-nic-and.html major part of which is a mail trail. You can see the assurance of E-meditek for improving the services but in reality it has gone from bad to worse in the current session.

We request you to kindly look into the matter and ensure better services for the SAIL Mediclaim Scheme members from the TPA, the Insurance Co. and Hospitals. I also request you to kindly consider the issues as serious and drive this point home to the Insurance Co. and the TPA as it involves only Senior Citizens. May pl. call us for a discussion if further details are required.

With thanks & kind regards,   

Dr.V.N.Sharma, Chairman
Federation of Retired SAIL Employees
Ph: 0651-3255795; M: 9431102680; 

e-mail copy to:  

df sail <anil.chaudhary@sailex.com>,
Vaani Kapoor <vaani.kapoor@gmail.com>,
Gopal Verma <vermag@emeditek.com>,
"JIm.john@emeditek.com" <JIm.john@emeditek.com>,
sunil sharma <sunil.sharma@emeditek.com>,


शनिवार, 18 जुलाई 2015

Bokaro Retirees form Association

About 45-50 Retirees of Bokaro Steel Plant, BSL, resolved today in a meeting at Sagun Banquet Hall at Bokaro to join the galaxy of Member Associations of Federation of Retired SAIL Employees (FORSE) when they resolved to form an Association called Bokaro Steet Retired Employees Association.(BSREA) and affiliate the same to FORSE. An adhoc Committee of 11 members were formed to take care of the membership campaign, registration of the Association under Society Registration Act and to complete the required formalities.

The meeting started with the welcome of the members and guests by Sri Ram Agar Singh, convenor of the Meeting. Sri Ghosh, Vice Chairman of FORSE and Guest of Honour in the meeting gave a brief on the good and bad points of SAIL Mediclaim Policy and briefred participants on how and where Policy needs changes in paper and in effect. He also informed that in case of problem one can approach Ombudsman for settling grievances for which free help is given by Assn. of SAIL Calcutta Superannuated Employees, Kolkata. 

Dr. V.N.Sharma, Chairman of FORSE and Chief Guest in the meeting provided a brief history of the formation of FORSE, the work done thus far which can be seen in http://sailex.blogspot.in/2015/07/an-update-on-performance-and-major.html   

S/Sri Gopal Thakur, S.B.Ram, R.P. Singh, S.K. Singh, M.P. Singh, Bipin Kumar, Jagdish Chaurasia took the floor and made important contribution by supporting the resolution on formation of the Association as also made suggestions on the need to take up a few issues related to Retirees with SAIL and Govt on urgent basis.

On the suggestion of Dr. Sharma the Meeting nominated S/Sri Ram Agar Singh and Mahendra Prasad Singh to attend Bhadravati Meeting of the Apex Council as BSREA nominees. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Sri Gopal Thakur.  

The provisional contact details of BSREA is 
C/o Sri Ram Agar Singh
242, Sector I-C , Bokaro Steel City,
e-mail: ramagarsingh@gmail.com 
Mob: 9470117056

All Bokaro Steel Retired Employees living in or away from Bokaro may contact Sri Ram Agar Singh at above contact details and take membership of the Bokaro Steet Retired Employees Association.(BSREA)

Press Release: